Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Benefits of Tempeh

Who does not know tempeh. Fermented soy foods between the fungus Rhizopus oligosporus is much preferred. It tastes delicious, it's cheap and easily obtainable. More over a piece of tempeh contains many useful elements, such as carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, enzymes, daidzein, genisten, as well as anti bacterial components beneficial to health.

Tempe foods are often found at home or in the stalls, as a complement to the dish turned out to contain and digest a better value compared to soybean. Therefore, tempeh is very good to be given to all are groups (from infants to the elderly), so it could be called food of all ages.

In addition, in Tempe is also an increase in nutritional value such as vitamin B2, vitamin B12, niacin and pantorenat acid. Even the analysis the nutritional conten of niacin tempe show for 1:13mg/100 grams of edible tempeh. The content of this increase approximately 2 fold after doy fermented into tempeh. Because niacin content in soybean is only about 0.58 mg, tempeh can be consumed in three main forms.

First tempeh are generally consumed in the form of chips, bacem, or cooked with vegetable mixyure. The second form of flour. It can be used as food content that useful to raise level of nutrition and fiber, as a natural preservative and to cope with diarrhea in children. Third tempeh can also be processed as protein concentrate, isolate, peptides, and bio active components.

Anemia & Osteoporosis

Tempeh is also believed to prevent anemia and osteoporosis, two diseases that stout woman suffered, because the nature of women who have experienced menstruation, pregnancy and breast-feeding a baby. This anemia can strike women who are lazy to eat, for fear of fat, so the supply and production of red blood cells in the body decreases.

Well, tempeh can act as a supplier of minerals, vitamin B12 (found in animal foods) and iron that is needed in the formation of red blood cells. In additional, tempeh can also lower blood cholesterol levels. Compound protein, PUFA fatty acids, fiber, niacin, and calcium in the tempeh can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol.

Aging & Prevent Breast Cancer

In the Tempe also found a substance in the form isofalvon antioxidant. Like vitamins C, E and caretenoids, isoflavones are antioxidants that are very by the body to stop the reaction of free radical formation. In soybeans there are three types of isoflavones, daidzein namely, glisitein and genistein. In Tempe, in addition to the three types of isoflavones are also contained an antioxidant factor II (6,7,4 thrydroxy isoflavone), which has the most powerful antioxidant properties than the isoflavones in soy.

These antioxidant are synthesized at the time the process soybean into tempeh fermentation by the bacteria Micrococcus leteus and Coreyne bacterium. Research conducted at University of North Carolina, United State, found that genestein and phytoestrogens found in tempeh was able to prevent prostate cancer, breast and aging.

There fore, the best way to optimize the efficacy of tempeh for bodies is to eat them every day in significant number. So as not to experience boredom, variety of use tempeh in a variety of recipes need to be done.

So that the efficacy of beneficial substances that not much is wasted in the process of cooking, tempeh should be cooked with a menu such as soups, stews, or bacem. In ways that reduce the efficacy of tempeh fewer, rather than fried. It turns out the benefit of the tempeh for our bodies. So do not hesitate to consume tempe yes!

10 Benefit Tempe :

  1. Protein contained in tempeh are very high, easily digested, so good for diarrhea.
  2. Contain iron, which are antioxidants flafoid thus lowering blood pressure.
  3. Desmutase containing superoxide free radicals that can control, good for heart patients.
  4. Reduction of anemia. Anemia characterized by low hemoglobin levels due to lack of avaliable iron (Fe), copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), protein, folic acid and vitamin B12, in which elements contained in tempe.
  5. Anti infection. The survey results showed that tempeh contain antibacterial compounds produced by reef tempeh is an antibiotic that is useful to minimize the incidence of infection.
  6. Hipokolesterol power. Polyunsaturated fatty acid content tempeh are able to lower cholesterol level.
  7. Have anti-oxidant properties, resist cancer.
  8. Preventing multiple nutrition problems along with a variety of diseases that accompany it both infectious and degenerative.
  9. Prevent the onset of hypertension.
  10. High calcium content, tempeh can prevent osteoporosis.

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