Early change seen in the age 40 year, fine wrinkles, thinning hair, gray hair, joints began to stiffen and farsightedness. At the age of the 50's decreased skin elasticity, brown spots appear, decreased muscle strength, and the woman reaches menopause. At the age of 70's his tentacle power decreased drastically, hearing and vision decline, digestion becomes sluggish, cardiac work such as lazy and blood vessels stiffer. At the age 80's the bladder is difficult to control and memory deteriorate. That;s the aging process, which ultimately led to deterioration of the body organ function. But do not be pessimistic yet, it turns out to be an old process can be inhibited. lately many people who still look fresh and fit, looking young.
for youthful appearance, trending 'stance' has been widely applied, began the use of cosmetics, hormones, drugs, herbs, food supplement, surgery, special diets, vegetarians, and so on, with success rates and risks vary.
Based on theoretical studies, research, and fact that there is, apparently tempeh is a type of food that affects young for fans. With notes tempeh is consumed good quality and consumption pattern regularly. In the book "Longevity Through the Organic life style", written by Henry Chang and published in 1999 explained, tempeh is a fermented food, including one of the foods to stay young, very well taken by anyone especially the elderly.
Fermentation is an overhaul of the organic material by micro organisms such as bacteria and fungi. Fermentation technology which is now a part of biotechnology was already controlled by the Indonesian people in the past, especially in the manufacture of tempeh. Tempeh making tradition has been going for generations. Tempeh yeast obtained from a fungus include orizae.(Rhizopus oligosporus, stoloniferous rhizopus. Mucor mucedo and Neurospora sitophila)
Traditional technologies that are raw much attention in research intitutes and universities, both in Indnesia and international. Microbiology Laboratory ITB tried researching the beat type of fungus in fermentation tempeh, and Rhizopus species obtained stoloniferous Rhizopus oligosporus and the most qualified.The process of making tempeh also reviewed in order to obtain good quality tempeh known as tempe ITB. Steps to be taken by scientists and industrialists abroad even further, for example in the Netherlands has developed Nederlanche Tempeh Industrie, which produces in the form of sambal fried tempah, botok, bacem and cekes. Which are packed in cans. While in Germany there are scientists who "Feeling" as the inventor of tempeh and attempt to obtain a patent.
Tempe classified as foods that the ageless because it meets the criteria, is s food that can improve fitness and physical endurance consumers, delay and inhibit the emergence of degenerative diseases, reducing the variety of nutrition related diseases and can extend the life expectancy of consumers.
Privileges include tempeh protein content is is high enough, in 100 grams of fresh tempeh protein contained 10.9 grams of protein. Protein needs of adults for men 56 grams per day and women 46 grams per day. So by eating tempeh 100 grams per day of 29-25 percent protein needs are met. The origin of tempeh protein that can be absorbed and utilized the body reaches 56 percent.
Fat content of tempeh is also quite high, namely 6.8 grams of fat in 100 grams of tempeh. But tempe has a umiqueness, which produce the enzyme lipase, which is able to describe fats into essential fatty acids such as linoleic and oleic. This fatty acids known as omega 3 fatty asaml and omega 6. The role of omega 3 among others, can reduce the risk of coronary artery blockage caused by platelet aggregation, maintain the flexibility of the arteries, increasing HDL and improving blood circulation.
Carbohydrate content of tempeh is relatively low, about 9.4 percent and does not contain sugar.Also in 100 grams tempeh contained only 157 calories, relatively low when compared with other foods. Thus, tempeh is a food suitable for diabetics, low calorie diets person or who want to slim.
Tempeh is rich in vitamins such as triamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), folic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin B 6) vitamin B 12 and vitamin E. the role of thiamine, among others in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy, maintain the work of the heart and nervous system. The role of riboflavin is in the release of energy from food, repair damage tissue, as well as for cell growth and development. The role of pyridoxine is in the metabolism of amino acids and the formation of protein, including hemoglobin. The role of niacin for the metabolism of glucose and energy metabolism. The role of vitamin in cooperation with folic acid in the production of red blood cells. The role of vitamin E, among other, to protect cell walls from damage, inhibit cell aging and improve the body's defense system.
Excess or deficiency in the vitamin are generally always cause some disruption in the body system. For example, pyridoxine deficiency can cause dermatitis, nerves, depression and difficulty sleeping. If the excessive up to above 50 mg per day, can cause neurological disorders. An calcium can cause osteoporosis, especially in elderly people. Excess calcium cause bone changes, the build up in the muscle or organs. Phosphorus. Iron especially for the formation of hemoglobin and prevents anemia. Cause a buid up of iron overload, organ damage, and skin blackened.
There are still other properties of tempeh, which can increase resistance to escherichia coli, a bacteria that cause diarrhea in children and child. While the results of research in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), indicate a type of antibiotic yeast byproduct tempeh. Which could potentially lead to immunity against dysentery, typhoid and cholera.
Which such attention to the long list of properties of tempeh, which can be proven scientifically, so it's normal that eating tempeh every day can improve physical fitness and endurance, delay and inhibit the emergence of degenerative diseases, reducing the variety of nutrition related diseases and can extend the life expectancy of consumers. Indeed tempeh ageless.
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